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Every person has


Everyone wants something, and everyone is capable of doing amazing things. Still, we often do not live up to our potential, and thus, we operate and remain far below our potential possibilities.


The MotivStrukturAnalyse MSA® (MSA) is a scientifically German-based personality analysis that shows the individual characteristics of the 18 basic motives. Using these 18 basic motives, the MSA can record and visualise our inner drivers. The MSA reveals and unlocks your potential and helps you understand what drives others. 


The motives are our inner drivers, and they have a significant influence on our perception, our thinking and feeling, our communication, our projections and our behaviour. With the MSA, we know what is important to us and under which conditions we can succeed and be content.

Understanding intrinsic motivation and energy dynamics


Use the MSA psychometric to understand your intrinsic motivators


In-depth analysis to understand how to motivate your team


Lead by example to inspire your employees and grow your future leaders

The MSA maps the emotional core of a person's character and clarifies what moves people and sets them in motion. The MSA maps your:

(Who am I?)

(What moves me?)

(Who am I?)

(How can I understand and engage others?)

By mapping the motivational values and drives of people, the intrinsic drive and motivational potential of a human being, we can clarify why we act the way we do and what brings us joy.

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It's all about

Unlike most behavioural or personality tests, the MSA collects previously isolated systems for (ground) motifs in an overall system and so is able to identify the intrinsic driving force behind us. It is the only tool that maps the most complete motivational, values, ​and drive structure of people. 


Whether you are at a crossroads, seeking self-awareness, or merely curious about life and how to live it well, the MSA can help you answer the pertinent questions:

​If you know your own motive structure, you are able to use this knowledge to facilitate decision-making in your private and professional life.

  • What makes you happy?

  • What gives you energy?

  • How can you lead a meaningful life?

  • How can you create a tangible work-life balance?

  • What matters to you, personally and professionally? 

  • How can you motivate others?

  • How can you inspire others? 



Sign up for the program and pay the fee for access to the assessment login information


Complete the MSA assessment online as instructed, about 20 minutes


Book your 1-2-1 coaching session with Raj through the online calendar


Receive your 34 page MSA report and the coaching follow up notes

You will receive actionable information on the things in your life that motivate you and bring you happiness. We will help you progress your personal and professional life so you can make decisions that energise you and improve your well-being. 


Raj uses the MSA to support people across the spectrum of motivation.

Two MSA Applications

 13%   of employees worldwide feel engaged at work

 47%   of employees are likely to look for a new job in the next year

 69%   of employees who think engagement is a problem in their organisation
Psychometrics Engagement Study

 75%    of employees don’t quit their job, they quit their boss

Raj Hayer


My career was dictated by opportunities that were offered, I never had control over my own career. After continued education, I still couldn’t identify my own value proposition. Where did I add value, and how? What was my main motivation? After completing the Motive Structure Analysis (MSA®), I was able to more clearly create criteria for what energised me, it helped me identify my passion, discover a purpose, and consequently, I was able to open up new possibilities and career options.

I always aim to cultivate strong relationships and provide platforms to enable mutual success for those who want to share their message with, learn from and collaborate with help each other.

As a strategic advisor with over 30 years of experience,  my excitement and passion for the "Future of Work" topics encourage me to help leaders understand how to best leverage their greatest resource - their people.


  • Motive Structure Analysis MSA® is not a performance test to pass.


    MotiveStructureAnalysis MSA® is neutral: therefore, there is no such thing as a good or a bad profile, and certainly not a right or wrong one. 

    Every MotiveStructureAnalysis MSA® is always constructive because it is individual and shows the unique personal drives and motives of one person, I.e. all MSA®-Profiles are individually different - but psychologically completely equivalent.


    It is not a clinical personality instrument ("Psycho test"), but a resource-oriented method, which was developed in Germany and integrates modern and historical personality and motivation research; based on works by renowned psychologists such as Gordon Allport, Paul Costa & Robert McCrae, Antonio Damasio, Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, Dan McAdams, William McDougall, Henry Murray or Steven Reiss.

  • There are many uses of the MSA®,  we would start with the individual and their personality. Even as a leader, it is important you understand your motivations before effectively motivating others. 


    If you are energised and engaged, you take control of decisions, take control of your own life, and feel less helpless, less stressed, and less depressed. This, in turn, has a large impact on your environment - self-actualisation leads to team actualisation


    Additional uses to the ones previously mentioned on the “MSA” page include:



    • Individual coaching

    • Personality development

    • Work-life balance

    • Personnel selection

    • Candidate screening

    • Potential analysis

    • Preparing and conducting assessments

    • Master communication

    • Employee management

    • Employee development

    • Identification and development of young professionals

    • Commitment and motivation of employees at all hierarchy levels



    • Leadership coaching

    • Leadership development and stabilization

    • Team Building

    • Team selection

    • Team development

    • Team communication

    • Organizational development (corporate culture)

    • Corporate governance and corporate development

    • Support of change processes

    • Communication / Sales

    • Mediation / Conflict Resolution

  • The greatest power is to understand yourself, so you can:

    • Leverage your strengths

    • Develop techniques to compensate for weaknesses

    • Become a more effective leader

    • Lead cohesive and effective teams

    • Create habits to achieve success in all aspects of your life


    You can use the following to achieve your goals:

    MSA: Your Drive (Motivation)

    • Defines character

    • Reveals temperament 

    • Intrinsic motivations

    • Leadership charateristics


    Cognitive Intelligence: Your IQ (Skills)

    • Intellectual Ability: Retain and recall objective information

    • Analytical Ability: Focus on tasks and exercises

    • Logical Ability: Engage in the reasoning process, think abstractly

    • Rational Ability: Solve problems and manipulate numbers


    MBTI: Your Personality (Typology)

    • Introspective 

    • Innate and inborn

    • Observable behaviours

    • Can be influenced


    EQI: Your Emotional Intelligence (Empathy)

    • Not permanently fixed

    • Can be enhanced

    • Linked to 60-80% of leadership success

  • 1. Introduction 

    • Pre-interview and discussion

    • Complete the MSA assessment payment


    2. Complete MSA®

    • Complete the MSA® assessment online with login details provided (~20-30 minutes)

    • Schedule the MSA coaching session for discussion (1.5 hours)


    3. MSA® Analysis

    • Interpretation of 18 paradigms

    • Deep dive and how to leverage key motivators


    4. Follow-up (Optional)

    Book follow-up discussions for:

    • “True Self” Analysis

    • Value Structure Analysis

    • Work/Life Balance (WLB) 

    • Stress Profile Analysis

    • MSA Typology Analysis

    • Deep dive into I-projections

  • In-person sessions are available on a limited basis in Munich and London


    All other sessions are conducted online via Zoom.


    Online sessions with video have been conducted in the past and are supremely effective, as clients can conduct the session from the privacy of their own homes or office and feel safe and secure. 

  • Unlike MBTI and EQi, amongst other tests, which tell you “who you are”, the MSA tells you what motivates you and how you are energized, which are actionable learnings. 


    MSA has real-life application, tangible applicable criteria that will allow you can structure your life around and will make you…well, simply put…happy.

  • The four pillars that Mayfly believes in, that are the foundation of achieving balance personally or professionally, are:


    Power, Endurance, Energy

    MSA Relevance (TBC): Eating, Sensuality, Physical activity, Material security


    Learning, Concentration, Focus

    MSA Relevance (TBC):  Knowledge, Principles, Power, Status, Order


    Relationship Quality, Tolerance, Bonding

    MSA Relevance (TBC):  Relationships, Help/Care, Family, Recognition, Competition, Risk


    Personal mission, Orientation, Journey

    ​MSA Relevance (TBC): Idealism, Spirituality, Freedom

    By finding a balance between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual motivators, you can more effectively manage your actions, perceptions, feelings and communication style.



STEP 1 | Passion
Love what you do

STEP 2 | Purpose
Build a  life plan that creates
balance in your life

STEP 3 | Possibility
Apply it to all facets of your life to activate energy and reduce stress


Individuals’ behaviours are most effective when motivations and attitudes are relevant to their professional endeavours.

Live a life of fulfilment
By better understanding what you’re motivated by; you’re better able to eliminate stress, create successful relationships and develop a healthy balance between work and life.

MSA can help you improve:  

  • Individual coaching and personal development

  • Work-life balance

  • Life satisfaction

  • Job satisfaction

  • Career counselling and development

  • Performance optimisation

  • Master communication


STEP1 | Passion
Love what you do.
STEP2 | Purpose
Guide yourself as a leader and help others
to build careers they love

STEP3 | Possibility
Create a ripple effect across your organisation for sustainable success

Leaders that know what motivates them to make more effective decisions. Effective leadership includes communication, mentoring and team building.
Inspire others to achieve success
Effective and inspirational leadership engages employees, creates efficient and creative teams, and enhances company culture. Employees develop, feel accepted and understood and in turn show more dedication and loyalty.
MSA can help you improve:

  • Candidate screening and personnel selection

  • Commitment and motivation of employees

  • Employee management and employee development

  • Coaching, mentoring and development

  • Team building and development

  • Team communication and conflict resolution

  • Organizational development (corporate culture)

  • Support of change processes

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